Welcome to Seeker Inc._! Help other seekers connect with others in this simulation game.

The objective of the game is to gain as much satisfaction from seekers as possible in order to meet your cycle's target satisfaction.

How to play:

- Hover over seekers in order to see their characteristics so you can find the right match for them

- To form a connection: Left click on a seeker and left click on another seeker that you think is the best match for them. Once a connection is formed, you will passively earn satisfaction

- If you see any pop-ups from your connections, click on them as soon as possible! If they are satisfied, they will give you profit that you can use to buy upgrades.

- If you don't reach the target satisfaction before the timer runs out, it's game over!


- Sprites, Sound Effects, and Music done by me

- Game is written in Raylib, font used is the standard Raylib font

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